I’m Chris
Apart from the occasional commission from friends, I tend to sketch and paint for myself as a record of my travels. I’m a digital consultant as a ‘real’ job, helping my clients to use digital to engage their audience. I love that work, it’s very creative and rewarding. It involves lots of presenting and talking. Which is why I find my art such a lovely difference. I tend to be on my own, quietly contemplating a view and fully focused on the work in front of me.
Why Pig & Pen ?
The name is a reflection of my style of art. I tend to work in watercolour as it is relatively easy to set up and complete when I am out and about. I also use pen quite extensively in my work. So I thought of Pigment and Pen which was then shortened to Pig & Pen. Now you know! Pig & Pen is my art brand but my work is sold under my consultancy company called Digital Consultation Ltd.
How to get in touch
I’m happy to chat about my art and if you want to discuss any aspect of my work then please get in touch. I like helping others to get involved in art and discover the benefits of getting lost in a painting.